Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock
21. 11. 2001
Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock Nancy Drew je opět v akci.Název hry koresponduje s názvem první knihy, ve které se Nancy Drew objevila.Příběh hry kombinuje prvky ze čtyř knih/The Secret of the Old Clock, The Hidden Staircase, The Bungalow Mystery a The Mystery at Lilac Inn/.Děj se odehrává ve 30.letech minulého století.Všechno se točí okolo jednoho podivného dědictví,které souvisí s Lilac Inn,hospůdkou patřící Emily Crandallové a její matce.Nancy se s Emily setká na popud jejich společného přítele,aby ženám pomohla jejich podnik zachránit. Kompletní mise jak jdou za sebou Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock (Part 1) - Fire Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock (Part 2) - Jim Archer Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock (Part 3) - Parlor Room Puzzles Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock (Part 4) - Mrs. Farthingham Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock (Part 5) - Exploring Topham's Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock (Part 6) - Golf Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock (Part 7) - Too Hard Indeed Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock (Part 8) - Horse-Feathers Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock (Part 9) - Hooray! Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock (Part 10) - Driving Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock (Part 11) - Gears Puzzle Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock (Part 12) - Carriage House Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock (Part 13) - Toys for Orphans Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock (Part 14) - Flouncy Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock (Part 15) - Telegrams Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock (Part 16) - Psychic Card Game Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock (Part 17) - Safe Deposit Key Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock (Part 18) - Pies and Sewing Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock (Part 19) - Hidden Passageway Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock (Part 20) - Creepy's Corner Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock (Part 21) - Shakespeare Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock (Part 22) - Ace in the Hole Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock (Part 23) - The End